thanks for the memories

Monday, October 23, 2017

This week gone past

I guess we have had this little boy about a month and even I have to admit he has made a little doggy place in my heart. (If I had one)  It is sort of nice to come home to a little person who doesn't talk your ear off just hugs and kisses you and sits on your feet when they are cold.  Its just the accusatory looks I can't take when I go for walks and don't take him.

 Not a day has passed without little people on my porch chattering their little people news to each other.
I've been enjoying watching this not so little person growing into a big person learning new skills, and growing into the young woman that God means her to be.

A trip over to the farm Saturday reminded me that there is a lot of work still to be done before snow flies but not to worry as Christopher is on the job.  He and his dad spent the day prepping the combine and getting the beans off the fields.

Christopher is all about the machinery to the point where his dad has to hide the keys when he isn't using it.  

The past year has been spent excavating under the farmhouse in order to put a much needed basement under there.  Of course with two boys on the job Ian has all the help he can handle sometimes.

At the end of the day, when the work is set aside for family, the boys park their machinery too 'cause they learn from their daddy that if you don't care for your tools they won't be there next time you need them.

Sunday was spent building memories. Equally as important as a basement but a little more fun sometimes.  

Just as daddies have to slow down and watch their little people growing up, little boys learn to do the same by watching the world around them.

And so the road into the new week winds ahead.

Though we cannot see where it is leading I am sure that there are many more little people and memories around that next bend.

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