thanks for the memories

Monday, December 28, 2020

On the fourth day of Christmas...

 What I am hearing...Kaycie and Nate working together to build a Lego dinosaur. Kim is in the other room talking on the phone, Uncle has gone to the recycling place to rid us of some garbage, and Annie is working on her schoolwork.
Outside my window...the snow is slowly melting as the temperature rises into the 50’s. 
What I am wearing...a black cotton dress with a red sweater over top. It is so nice to not have to bundle up everyday just to be inside.
What I am thinking...of the wisdom of little children.  Kaycie and Nate had a conversation this morning about what Papa is like in heaven. When I said he could talk now Nate’s answer was precious, “Yeah, now he can have a talk with Jesus.” Just what Papa would like to hear.
What I am learning...that being occupied in the business of life is the best way to process a loss.  I know that Papa approves of my being here with these little people all day long.
What I am hoping...that the job interview that MK has in a week will be the beginning of a new and more exciting phase in her life.
What I am working on...the machine is set up, there is a stack of fabrics beside it, and the urge to create is becoming stronger with each passing day.
What I am planning...not a thing. Plans have no place in my days as yet. Being in the middle of the Christmas celebration helps as well.  Each day is filled with games, food, and togetherness. 
Here are some picture thoughts that I am sharing with you...
The lady at the store was right, the stickers come off best when they are cold. 

Watch out he’s got his super sneakers and his cape on.

and he’s off!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My heart is singing for you as I read this. And I would love to hear that conversation in heaven.
XO Kodi