thanks for the memories

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Safely nestled under the rainbow

Last night there were some thunderstorms in the area. We were spared the worst of the lightning but boy howdy did we have some heavy downpours. I think even my minimalist husband would have called a couple of them torrential downpours.  Sitting here at my desk during one I couldn't see past the overhang of the front walk.  Later, when they were over the sky was gloomy and over cast still so no one thought to look for a rainbow.  Suddenly, like a promise fulfilled the sun came out and there was not only a rainbow but we could see both ends of it shining brightly like a newly minted coin.  When I went outdoors to take a picture, faintly, very faintly next to one end of the rainbow glimmered the image of another, as if it was valliantly trying to immitate the first.  There in the picture, behind the house I managed to catch the faint glow of the second rainbow. 
The rainbow is a sign in the sky of God's promise that he would never again destroy the earth by flood again.  Between my husband and I a rainbow after a storm is a promise also.  It is a promise of his abiding love for me and his protection of me against danger, real and imagined.  Though the man cannot understand being afraid of anything unreasonable as lightning (something that I fear), he doesn't question it but provides me with his love, comfort, and protection during the worst fears of my life.  When the rainbow comes after a storm he points to it and reminds me that he loves me too, just as God does.  He has even been known to call me from work to remind me to look for the rainbow so that I will remember that even from a distance, just as with God, he is loving me as no one else does.

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