thanks for the memories

Friday, December 30, 2011

Playing doctor?

 Matthew doesn't feel well today. You know the drill; achy, fever, tummy ache. So I asked his brother the
Special Forces Medic to take a look in his ears and throat just in case there is a need to take him up to the Dr. before they close for the day.  Watching him in action didn't instill a lot of confidence in his mother's heart.
Of course it is his brother that he was examining and Matthew is not really seriously ill so....

I guess that leaves a lot of room for some brotherly horsing around.

Does that mean that Matthew can't feel too bad or that his big brother has the magic touch?

1 comment:

Amelia said...

You all are great...Love you all. This made me *smile* HUGELY.

xxxooo ~Amelia

P.S. Prayers for a speedy recovery!