thanks for the memories

Monday, November 17, 2014

Hints, tidbits, and little look inside 17 November 2014

Outside my window...there is a cold rain falling steadily.  As the sun gradually lights up the sky the drops that line the tree branches glisten and glitter in the feeble light.  Though it is chilly and damp the bird sing gaily as if to encourage all who listen.  There are cardinals, finches, titmice, and jays all vying for the feed that will give them the energy to continue their antics another day.

I am thinking...that a wood stove or fire place would be a nice addition to this house.  Back home a day like today would have been declared a day to curl up by the fire, read a book, and drink a hot cup of tea.  

I am thankful....wait for it...wait for it...the local mall.  Now that my family members have picked themselves up off the floor let me explain.  Yesterday after mass I went to the local mall to walk since it was a bit too cold even for me.  Though the stores were closed the mall proper is open for those who wish to walk in the mornings.  Ryan your mother has joined the ranks of elderly mall walkers!

This is joy and imagination.  My daughter Kim frequently sends pictures of the girls as they go about their daily business of being children.  This is Savannah dressed as Cinderella.  

And Kaycie just being cute.  What a pleasure and joy it is to be able to share in their childhood.  The sounds of their little voices raised in song and pretending brings me back to the days when my people were young.  Thank you Kim.
I am remembering...warm spring days with family.  Watching Layn help Papa plant trees.

I remember the excitement of the little people spending time with their grandfather. The chatter of their voices asking him questions and pointing out their observations will stay with me forever.

 A little boy, any little boy from our family saying, "I holp you" is a treasure that is beyond compare.

 I am reading...a new book that Doug bought me this past weekend called 7 Secrets of Confession by Vinny Flynn.

In the creativity department...I have two bag commissions to work on today and get shipped out tomorrow.  I am finished with the boat project, hooray! My hands are thanking me.  Progress is being made on various Christmas gifts and the shipping on those will commence shortly.

From the kitchen...squash soup and homemade biscuits will be on the menu tonight.  Something warm, filling, and mild I think is called for on a day when the rain falls and the cold keeps the heart on edge.

A few plans for the rest of the week...lots of reading, sewing, praying, talking with my little people, and living of my life I think.  I am finally really learning some lessons that I was taught in the past but that never stuck before.

Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you...

I am trying to imitate the innocence, simplicity, and energy of this little boy.  Though he is not flesh of my flesh nor blood of my blood he has a bond that is more real.  He is the grandson of my heart.  He was born or my choosing and that makes him beyond precious to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the tidbits of your life. I am greatly encouraged. I'm sending a prayer or two daily. May you be encouraged. Love you sister, donna