thanks for the memories

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

There is much to be said

This is October, the month of the Rosary hence the remembrance of Our Lady and the place that she has in our hearts and home.  Our Lady of Fatima please keep up all in your heart and prayers.
Recently #3 son and his family came to visit from the west coast.  It has been a year since I have seen Adam, Maryanne, and little Edmund in person and this visit was not only welcome but well timed as it came after weathering the death of my mother and a dear friend.

Of course during visits life still has to go on and Layn came over with homework while Uncle Adam was doing his. This kind of chore always goes better when you have some company. 

Homework isn't all that was accomplished though.  Many smiles were exchanged and enjoyed.

This picture of Maryanne going down the slide makes me think of the bible verse exhorting us to become like little children. 

Days were filled with Uncles being like little children. Playing basketball in army boots...

Hanging from the playground equipment...

trying to see who can do more..

sorry Uncle Adam but the young guy wins again.

Having little ones around day in and day out always helps to keep us from getting old and stuffy, even grandpa can't help but be silly.

Edmund's birthday party was a cowboy themed one and everyone got in on the act. Nate's plaid shirt fits right in with his blue jeans and bandanna. 

Of course getting all the cowboys and cowgirls to look at the camera, sit still, and smile all at the same time is never going to happen but we do the best we can. I love the cutie in the second row in the black and white dress. She sure is a camera pleaser.

Did I mention that not only was the house bursting with kids but kids on the way too?  Be fruitful and multiply that's us!

No caption for this goof except that he is the love of his grandma's life.

And curls, there can never be enough curls to nuzzle and snuggle with and generally enjoy.

Auntie's got in on the fun during the visit too in spite of having to be a responsible adult and go to work each day.  Did I mention that snuggles with kids keep you young and happy?

No birthday celebration is complete without presents...

plenty of cousin help in opening them...

and candles to blow out and dada's who are there to make it all happen for you.

Everyone got in on the silly slide action.

so much so that there were frequent pile ups at the bottom.

Monkey shines,

papa helps,

stubborn girls, 

Uncles to guard and guide,

and little monkeys to see and do were very much in evidence.

Smiles and swings are the best medicine for the vagaries of life.

And sometimes a guy just has to hang with his papa and lay low.

When all is said and done a ride in a wagon pulled by a strong Uncle 

and the hands of another are all you need to get you to the end of the day.

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