I have the most amazing children. This cannot be said often enough. Yesterday Ian came and picked up the truck for me and spared me that potential disaster. Not only did he pick up the truck but he spent a precious 1/2 hour in the middle of the day to start loading it. To top that off he came yesterday evening and gave us some of his valuable family time to continue loading. Ian already works two jobs and has a wife and five children to give himself for. I know what a sacrifice it is for him to give me time to help with this gargantuan job. He and Melissa will be back this morning to continue the loading process and get the contents of this house moved to storage.
Have I mentioned that my children are amazing? MK has been the driving and organizing force behind this whole moving farce. She has nearly single handedly sorted and packed everything that is packed. She has brutally culled out stuff, listed it on the marketplace and met with the buyers. When more boxes have to be procured she runs to Lowes to get them and has faithfully filled and labeled each one.
What have I done in all this? Not much. I sit in my chair and try to keep my heart from imploding. I make minor decisions about the possible disposal of various items, and I have gone to say farewell to a few friends. And I pray. I pray for those I love to have healing since the death of their father. I pray for friends to have health and peace in the midst of this mad world. I pray for the family I will leave in New York that the situation in this state doesn’t strangle their lives and make living in God’s grace a nearly insurmountable task. I pray for my family on the West Coast that their state doesn’t strangle their lives. I pray for myself that this decision to leave my home of over 50 years can be accomplished without more than the usual sadness.
This is what I find myself doing every second of the day. Praying. I have prayed more and more fervently since my husband’s accident than I have in my whole life before. An urgency has been placed upon my heart that was never there before.
Direct, O Lord, all our actions by thy holy inspirations and further us by thy continual graces. That every prayer and work may begin from thee and by thee be happily ended. Amen.
God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, and a sound mind. Take heart, dear friend. You can't go wrong living a life of unceasing prayer.
Your kids are amazing.
Yes, we are living in urgent times and it calls for urgent prayers dear friend, He is guiding you, you have double urgency because of your broken heart and I so get that in ways.
We have Christmas season, it's a holy, somber and beautiful season, and then change and tumultuous times in the country. Please know I'm there with you in the stillness, I'm here in the forest in the stillness talking with God puttering here and doing the next thing with urgent prayers in the back of my heart and mind. It's so nice that you have visited friends before leaving. In a time where people don't even have time to answer emails it's so precious of you to visit friends like that. So wonderful.
Onward Christian Soldier marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus....
Love, Amelia
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