Today I not only step out of my comfort zone, rather I am about to take a flying leap! Later MK and I will go pick up the UHaul truck and begin the loading process. Granted I only have to drive the 7 miles from here to Vernon with it. Still except for backing my son’s 18 wheeler about 4 feet this will be the largest thing I have ever driven.
I have driven tractors, backhoes, flatbeds with round bales loaded on, and a myriad of other vehicles that were much smaller. I remember when we got our first 15 passenger van. There was no way I was going to drive that. By the time we sold our second one I was even backing the things into our garage. I can’t help but think that Doug will be with me in the driver’s seat today making sure that I get from there to here and from here to there without endangering anyone else on the road.
This is getting disturbingly real.
You will navigate this with your amazing capacity to accomplish whatever you set out to do. (I'm not saying that there won't be any grumbling or strong words (possibly even bad ones) spoken in t bff e process, but I know you will do just fine!
You are doing GREAT. I know you can do it, you're a sharp gal and a brave gal too, God is there with you and I'm sure Doug is too, God's ways are so far above our ways. I'm so not a scoffer on things like that, I get it totally. <3
Prayers for your today, safety and hugs. You go girl. Love, Amelia Psalms 91
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