I borrowed this from a friend. After the past 10 months this bit of wisdom is well worth a bit of contemplation. Lest anyone of us thinks that their own life is too much to bear, there is always another suffering in a bigger way. It isn’t what we suffer that matters, in the greater scheme of things but rather how we suffer what is in our paths.
The Bible is silent concerning the trials and tribulations of the Holy Family on that first Christmas. The only statement is that Mary “pondered all these things in her heart.” Maybe there is some good advice for all of us in this statement. Not to brood or to spend time in self pity but rather to truly ponder things. What is the take away for each of us concerning the trials of the year that has passed. Anyway, the wisdom of the friend who posted the following never ceases to make me ponder. Enjoy.
You know what I bet?
I bet that first Christmas was pretty stressful.
Government mandates about travel. Dealing with census takers. Long, uncomfortable ride on a mule when you're 9 months pregnant. Going to the town you were born in and nobody will let you even so much as sleep on their floor. Finding a stable to bed down in. Having a baby with no help but your new husband. Who is not the father of your baby. I have never been in a stable that was quiet or that smelled good. Finally getting your baby to sleep, in a feed trough, and a sketchy bunch of men who smell like the sheep they tend show up to gawk. Talking about angels and staring at your new bride. Who just had a baby that you know for a fact is not yours. Having a bunch of strange men all around you when you just had a baby. Having to just trust that God meant what he said and knows what he's doing. Even though it makes no sense to you. Doing the best you can and knowing it isn't enough. Worried about everything. Wondering what is coming next. Knowing deep in your soul that the world has never needed saving more than it does right now. Changing the diapers of the one who will change the destiny of the world. Being responsible for the currently absolutely helpless messiah. Praying for God to sustain you. Even here when you seem to have messed everything up. Praying for God to bring you help. Praying for peace on earth. Hoping for good will.
I bet it was unbelievably stressful.
I know things are unbelievably stressful for you right now, too.
It may just be that this stress is more like the first Christmas when the Christ child was born than any other Christmas of our lives. It might be that God is closer to us right now than we ever dreamed. It might be that God really did mean the things he has told you. It might be that he is still in charge and still knows what he is doing. It might just be that stress and worry and fear have a lot more in common with the first Christmas than all of the gifts and food and decorations. Jesus just might be more comfortable with you in your distress than he would be if everything this Christmas was just like you wanted it to be.
Immanuel still means "God with us".
He still is.
Even now.
1 comment:
Really, really good post Ann.
Thinking of you, prayers going forth. Hope all is well.
Have a sweet Christmas, Ann. A good time truly so to draw closer to the Lord as we ponder in our hearts...
Love, Amelia
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