I don’t take crisis very well. When it involves me and being dependent on others I tend to turn into a puddle of tears and emotional jelly. Fortunately when the solution or the path become clear I do manage to recover relatively quickly. This time, in my defense, it was quite the shock to discover that I had this infection and that my formerly nonexistent heart was discovered to be in some degree of danger.
How God has blessed me with family to remind me that there are still puppies to warm your feet in the evening.
The blessing of dear friends, never met in person, who still count your friendship as valuable are definitely up there with the pearl of great price.
A home protected by slobber and these two fierce hounds is beyond description.
Being alive to sit and watch the moon rise surrounded by the sweetest of grands should not be taken for granted.
The best thing is being greeted by this little man modeling his new bike helmet. The pain and uncertainty fall away and I see God in every aspect of my world.
Yay, you got it! I hope you and the kiddos enjoy it as much as I do mine. I'm sorry you're dealing with an infection and heart dangers. See, I told you that you had a heart. Now take good care of it. <3
Take care of yourself now, love the pics, grandbabies and sweet doggies to warm the feetsies. Greatness.
Dr. Joel Fuhrman has some good info on the heart, healing naturally. He's got some great books and videos.
Take care now dear one, I hope the infection is better now. Stress really does a number on it doesn't it? God be with us all.
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