What I am hearing...Kaycie reading to Uncle, Nate murmuring to himself while he does his school work, Teddy calling for attention while he stands in his play yard, and MK upstairs happily cleaning and organizing someone's bedroom.Outside my window...it is a drizzly, rainy day. The upside of the rain is that the cars got all washed off after our little off-road type adventure yesterday.
What I am thinking...that having something productive to do is a good thing. If that something productive is also in service of others it becomes more than worth doing. When a baby grabs your pinky and goes to work chewing on it that is truly a noble thing that you are doing.
What I am learning...that my life is a series of two steps forward and one step back. I am learning to slow down, listen more closely to the children, really see the world around me, and to try to internalize the blessings that God is sending to me.
What I am hoping...that the tooth I broke over the weekend can be fixed quickly, easily, and painlessly. Just an FYI to all who have anxiety, don't clench you teeth in an effort not to scream. Ask me how I know that is a bad idea.
What I am working on...several weeks ago I bought fabric and started on some dresden plate quilt blocks. The young woman who was Papa's occupational therapist this summer was expecting a baby while she was caring for him. My husband has always thought that pregnant women are the most beautiful and thus he opened up to her and responded to therapy with her more than any of his other providers. I want to make a quilt for the baby that she had in September as a way of saying thanks. Time will tell if it is worth giving away but I am trying and slowly getting my creativity back.
What I am planning...to see two houses today, get my tooth looked at on Wednesday, and to take each day as it comes.
Here are some picture thoughts that I am sharing with you...
Thank you Aunt ReNee' for the hiking boots. They have been getting slowly broken in on the trails around here.
Even out away from down town I went around a curve in the road and spotted this beauty. When the weather gets a bit warmer I plan on getting out a map and taking a day to discover the inspiration that this trail can offer.
I have, happily, discovered, several quilt block trails in this area. What a delight to turn a corner, even downtown, and discover one of these beauties.
The colors are a series of bright spots in the landscape of downtown Greeneville.
Even out away from down town I went around a curve in the road and spotted this beauty. When the weather gets a bit warmer I plan on getting out a map and taking a day to discover the inspiration that this trail can offer.
I like that noble sacrifice of the pinky to the baby. <3 No greater love hath grandma! (gglggl) What would we do without the grandbabies, dear friend?
And how cool it is that there are "quilt trails"? Seems you are just where you're meant to be right now.
Hugs and love,
I agree with Lisa. Those quilt block trails are welcome signs meant just for you. Sorry about your tooth.
I love hearing how you are and what you are doing in your new place.
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