What idiot decided a rodent was qualified to predict the weather? According to my daughter-in-law, insert snarky tone of voice, “Six more weeks of winter? What was your first clue, snow in Tennessee?”
Actually, somehow, there is a different feeling accompanying snow here in Tennessee. The knowledge that the roads aren’t going to be cleared, except the state routes, and the lack of urgency concerning running any kind of errand makes the snow a gentler happening. My mind refuses to default to fear and a load of “what ifs” because they just don’t exist anymore. Sure all the same issues are possible but, as per my new mantra, my kids are grown ups and responsible for their own safety and nothing in my life is urgent any longer.
Today I get to sit here at my sewing machine and enjoy the kids sliding down the hill on a shovel, the dogs cavorting in the snow, and know that my prayers and love for family are all I am responsible for today.
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