thanks for the memories

Monday, September 6, 2021

First Monday in September Daybook

Outside my is cloudy with no real threat of rain today. It's a good day to put the laundry on the line, sit on the porch and say my rosary, and spend time with family. 

I am thinking...about the people that populate my world. Though he did get home late from last week's run it was a pleasure to spend time with Matthew. Even with MK gone to NY for the weekend, thanks to the internet, we were able to share with her as well.

I am thankful...for my health and strength. I am thankful for the blessings of intelligence and industry. I am most thankful for the blessing of faith. Without God I doubt I would be where I am in life.

One of my favorite seeing the joy of discovery on the faces of my grandchildren. Saturday we went to a little craft fair in town. The grands here never ask for anything when we are out which makes this grandma inclined to spoil them. Add to than as Usborne book dealer and you have a win/win situation. I only purchased three books which is an admirable show of self-control if ever I saw one. The next stop though was Hobby Lobby which is where the self-control fled! One Peanuts floor puzzle and three craft kits later the kids were well occupied until it was time to play games then eat. 

I am making (only God can create)...three full size quilts, two crib size quilts, and three carseat blankets. I have had too much time on my hands lately and that is not a good thing for me. Since learning that there are several charitable ministries at our new church I am back in full swing making things to give away to elders and babies who are in need.

I am wearing...a pair of green shorts and a green tee shirt. This is one of the outfits that my hubby used to say he liked (which was a rare thing) .

I am reading...two of my textbooks for my upcoming semester. Legal Ethics in a Nutshell by Ronald D. Rotunda and The Lawyer's Guide to Writing Well by Tom Goldstein and Jethro K. Lieberman. Can you guess what certification courses I will be taking?

I am be able to get two big quilts onto the frames this week and quilt at least one. 

Here are some picture thoughts that I am sharing with you...

Saturday's game of Mexican Train while we waited for the parents to get back from their lunch date.
A virtual game of Ticket to Ride First Journey with Edmund and Annarose on the west coast. These are the times that I am so grateful for the internet and all that it allows. We play games together here just about every weekend (even when we firmly state that we will be staying home and getting things done). I treasure those times together but being able to spend the same kind of time with those far away is a blessing beyond imagining.

You never know what you will encounter when you go around a hairpin curve. These guys took their sweet time about crossing the road and getting to the other side.

Yesterday's road trip was to Douglas Dam. This is my view from above the Dam. The more I see and learn about the TVA system the more I admire those who thought it up and engineered it. 

 No post is complete without a pic of this handsome guy. He was thirsty after walking around the craft fair so I wasn't able to get a smile out of him.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

So fun to read, glad you are having fun with the grands... Really sweet! Oh yes...Hobby Lobby, now that is one temptation indeed! Isn't it so peaceful and relaxing to just go in that place, oh peace, peace wonderful peace right? <3