thanks for the memories

Monday, April 11, 2022

Monday with mom, again.

Outside my window...the sun has decided to duck behind the clouds which are gradually blotting out the blue of the sky. The forecasted trend is for lots of sunshine and increasing warmth. Sounds like a good plan to me. 
The snow and cold on Saturday only served to keep us all inside. Not complaining though, my sons cooked a delicious meal and we all played games and watched a movie together.

The gardens are gradually taking shape and I have been gradually fabricating more ollas to keep them watered in the heat of the Tennessee summer. 
Almost daily these creatures spend some time in the pasture beside the house. They are quite the noisy birds. I wonder if they make good eating? Must resist the temptation to find out.
Last weekend Jason and Kim made a quick trip to New York. Jason spent some time visiting Papa.
While the New York cousins spent time with Annie and got to meet Noah for the first time. 
Speaking of Noah, this kid is growing by leaps and bounds. He is three months old and is already fitting into 3-6 month clothing! Yikes.

Today while taking down laundry I found this egg on the back deck. The color and perfection of it's shell are fascinating to me. 
Yesterday Uncle and I journeyed over to Jason and Kim's. I watched Annie feeding the pigs while enjoying the hot tub with Teddy.
Jason gave us a detailed tour of his aquaponics set up. He is an impressive builder. I wish I could understand all that he described about how the system works. But I don't. However I will continue saving bottle caps as my contribution to the system.
Always nice to chat with your brother while working on putting the truck back together. Jason bought this truck last year and has since been rebuilding it in order to get it running. 
This boy, what can I say. He makes everyone smile. Lately his vocabulary has exploded so be careful what you say if you don't want it to wind up coming out of Teddy's mouth.
There is something wonderful about being around siblings who get along with each other. 

That's about it for last week(end). I really don't do much living until Friday rolls around and we can be together. Welcome to the start of holy week. Pray for peace in this world and for strengthening of marriages and families.

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