thanks for the memories

Monday, May 16, 2022

Monday morning...already.

So, this morning dawned cloudy but cool. We didn't get any severe weather over the weekend but it happened somewhere near here since the air is considerably cooler, dryer, and fresher. For this allergy sufferer it will be nice to spend the day with the contents of my sinuses in their proper place rather than on my chin.


Over the weekend the boys got the back finished save for one panel. These two little nuggets helped by keeping each other happy and not getting into too much mischief. Okay, I'm actually talking about the 2 year old. Noah gurgled, smiled, napped and generally made himself irresistible to all who came close.
I cannot help but get the squash garden in the picture with the fence. Putting down black plastic has been such a help in keeping the weeds under control and the moisture in the roots rather than losing it to the heat.
Uncle, Jason, and Nate worked hard in the sun to get the holes dug and the posts set. Nate is an incredible worker at 5 years old. Every time Uncle would dig a hole Nate would shovel in gravel to be packed down. After each post was set he then added water to make the stone pack harder. All this he did in the hot sun without a complaint. 

In the morning on Saturday Jason, Kim, Teddy, and I took a trip into Johnson City to do some necessary shopping. During our stop at the pet store Teddy managed to befriend two puppies, terrorize a half dozen birds, screech at hundreds of fish, and marvel over a guinea pig. 

Last week I ordered a bunch of lumber to finish a couple of projects. Being old and driving a little SUV I am not able to go pick up the lumber myself so I had it delivered to the house. Unfortunately one of the 16' poles was unusable since it sported a large hole in it. The need to return and exchange it sort of defeated the purpose of delivery. Enter the jousting jeep. Matthew kindly strapped the pole to the top of his jeep and took me to Lowes to return it.
Nothing like a son who enjoys this kind of challenge.
Sewing and quilting has been a struggle since Papa was injured and died but more and more I seem to be getting it under control and even beginning to enjoy it once again. This past week I treated myself to a table top quilting frame to help with some of the smaller quilts we have. Another great feature of it is that MK can use her own machine on it and thus not be intimidated by the larger frame downstairs.
The new frame came just in time to finish this beauty. A dear friend is pregnant and due very soon so this will be winging its way to Wisconsin to keep the little man warm cone winter.

I should probably do a whole separate post about the gardens here. This beauty is a mini rose bush that Uncle's friend gave to me last summer. It is not only thriving but now it is also loaded with blooms and buds. Thank you Sarah. This reminds me of all it's cousins that I left behind in New York. 

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I feel like I've spent the morning with you, dear friend! So glad to see the quilting frame out and art flowing out if it! ❤ ((Hugs)) and much love!!