thanks for the memories

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Moving to the edge of my comfort zone

On a recent trip to Barnes and Noble (got to love that store) I came across this book. After a quick perusal I decided that it would be a welcome addition to my sewing library. One search on Amazon later and I was able to buy the book used for 1/10 the price. (that included shipping)

My daughter makes skirts for herself all the time and she has recently introduced Melissa to the art as well. If any of you readers out there have been in a fabric store lately you know that sewing patterns are outrageously expensive. At the risk of showing my age I remember a time when a pattern could be purchased for .25 which left the buyer money to actually get fabric to make up the pattern she had chosen. Now patterns, even at 40% off are around $5.00. That usually means you can buy the pattern on one trip and the fabric on another after you have recouped your loses. But I digress.
It has been many years since I made anything for myself. I would like to have everyone think that it is because I have selflessly been sewing for others which has left me no time to make clothing for me. (this is sadly not true, I am not that good a person) The harsh truth is that I don't like sewing for myself because it requires that I look in a mirror to check the look and fit and the prospect of that is a fate worse than death. (I don't even look in the mirror when I brush my hair. I do it all by feel and it looks that way too.)
Yesterday in the spirit of learning new lessons I took the book down and followed the directions for measuring myself. After I picked myself up off the floor I was able to draft a pattern for a simple A-line skirt. It took me about 1 hour to sew it up and fit it. (I managed this with only one look into a mirror) Again, when the camera woes are over I will post a pic of the skirt sans me. It turned out so well I cut two more.
I might get used to this whole learning thing.


Amelia said...

My comment from yesterday evaporated! lol Did I not push the finalize button?

oh well, such is life...Just wanted to let you know I ran over and bought a used copy of that book.

I figure I might just learn something...I liked some of those skirts, the layered one looks like fun. I wouldn't mind making a 40s skirt with pom poms, a fuller cinched waist skirt one day. When my girls see pom poms they are going to be nice and wide eyes. lol

Love to you, and I love the adoring look your daddy has for you in the header photo. Priceless.

xxxoooo Amelia

Lisa said...

Wow! I'm super impressed. I have a hard enough time just following a pattern, much less making one for myself.

I love that I'm not the only one that book-shops in a two-step process. I LOVE to meander around B&N, with a Pumpkin Latte in one hand, and a little notebook in the other. I jot down titles and then come home and search for a cheaper copy. The folks at the bookstore must hate it when people do that -- but, seriously, in this day and age, you gotta do what you gotta do.