thanks for the memories

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Simple Woman's Day Book 21 April 2014

Outside my window...the sun is shining brightly and the birds are singing as if they knew that it is Easter Monday and all the world has been redeemed.

I am thinking...about the virtue of patience.  There are folks who pray for patience and grumble because they persist in their impatience.  Mother Angelica has taught me that when you pray for this particular virtue God does not send it to the petitioner.  Rather he sends occasions that are designed to foster patience.  Welcome to the sum of my days.

I am thankful!  I have family all over this crazy planet who love enough to send their Easter wishes and blessings to me.  I only hope that I have been able to convey back to them my thankfulness for them in my life and my wish for God's blessings on their lives.

From the kitchen...bread needs to be baked today and I think a roasted chicken with oven roasted potatoes and a garden salad are on tonight's menu.

I am capris and a green tee.  

I am hoping...that the time in the next three weeks flies by.  I am counting the hours until we fly to NY and see the grandkiddies and then to WA to witness Ryan and Kathleen's wedding.  

I am hearing...birds singing outside, the washer doing it's Monday morning duty, and an airplane taking off from the airport nearby.  These familiar sounds are the soundtrack of my life.

Around the house...the windows and doors are open to the fresh air, there is abundant bird song to punctuate my thoughts, and a definite feeling of belonging in the air.

One of my favorite things...sharing holidays with family.

A few plans for the rest of the week...there are packages to mail, sewing to be done, and life to be lived.  I won't be bored!

Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you...

1 comment:

Lisa said...

A wedding?! I'm awfully out of the loop. :) Congratulations! (WA is where we're desperately trying to relocate, btw!)