thanks for the memories

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Simple Woman's Day Book 2 June 2014

Outside my window...the sun is up!  Today is supposed to be cooler and dryer than it has!!!!!  I think it may be a good day to get out there and do some weeding.

I am thinking...about work and balance.  If I had my way I would sew all day long, that isn't balanced and would lead to the neglect of my charge.  Once I get started I could spend the whole day weeding in the garden and clearing along the fence-line.  That too would lead to neglect of my charge.  So I guess the only solution is to do nothing! There, problem solved.

I am thankful for...blessings that are tiny and yet so huge. The ones that take your breath away.  Like the sight of a deer as it bounds across the road in front of you as you drive along the road, a redbird that flits from tree to feeder and back again, and the lilting "I love you's" of 4 year old's.

From the kitchen...I thought I would surprise the man of the house with lasagna on this cool day.

I am hearing...the strains of Scherazhade coming from the spare room, my dog whining to come inside, and another airplane taking off from the airport.

One of my favorite things...maple leaves, over blown roses, peonies, and fresh crisp lettuce from the garden.

A few plans for the rest of the, work. work!  Finish the wedding gift that I am working on, pleat and begin smocking the flower girl dress for Savannah, quilt quilts, stuff like that.

Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you...
We have driven to the top of this mountain a couple of times now. Doug likes it (I think he identifies with the bald spot) and it is no trouble for mom once we get up there.  It makes my husband happy, the mountain and the vistas that you can see from the top.

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