thanks for the memories

Monday, August 18, 2014


There is nothing wrong with escape.  Taking time away from the usual, mundane, ordinary, is often necessary to help the soul and mind reset.  

Sometimes the only way to assimilate and evaluate the happenings of daily life is to step back, walk away, and get a better perspective.

Perspective helps the mind to realize that angle is everything.  Incidents and insults, delivered close up grow to mountainous proportions.

But when the soul and mind can step back, view the larger vista.  That is when truth is revealed and peace can be found.

Escaping, stepping back and letting peace wash over aids in being able to see the little surprises and blessings that are bestowed "just because."

It is the little "just becauses" that inspire a stop to pause. These little gifts are more than what is seen.  They are gifts that are heard and felt as well.

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