thanks for the memories

Monday, August 11, 2014

The Simple Woman's Day Book 11 August 2014

Outside my is dark, gloomy and very misty. According to the weather people it isn't likely to improve any time soon.  While I am thrilled with the automatic watering of my gardens, the rain and damp shrink my world to the confines of this little house and that is not good. I was born to live in the great outdoors.

I am thinking...about the fact of my shrinking world.  How to remedy this situation. 

I am thankful for...a brother with a hot tub, nieces and nephews that are full of life, and a sister-in-law who is funny, lovely, and interesting.

From the kitchen...there will be some Mario Batali cooking going on today. This kind of weather always prompts the need for some good, hearty, and tasty Italian cooking.

I am reading...poetry. My mind and soul need some serious food.  Shakespeare's sonnets, a little bit of Shelley, and a lot of Donne are just the kind of diet that I have been craving.

I am hearing...the ice maker dumping its latest load of refreshing coldness, the whoosh and splash of rain falling against the window, and the general hum of a house becoming fully awake for another day.

One of my favorite spaces, stately trees, and the sight of mountains rising up from the horizon.

A few plans for the rest of the week...carry on with the life that I am currently leading.  Friday is a holy day of obligation so I must find a way to attend mass.  That hour will be an oasis in the midst of the rest of my week.

Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you...
A happy moment on our abortive attempt to take a walk in the woods on Saturday.  My mother may not be able to remember her name but she still remembers that she hates the outdoors! So much for that trip.

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Hello Dear Ann,

I can really relate to your thoughts...the last entry; sewing versus cooking...Yes I so understand I do. Just cooked up a nice hearty pot of beans, wondering what sides...And in the meantime thinking of my sewing projects I would like to jump into. Maybe after naptime? Ha!

Oh such is life Ann...I am in a new, same but different season of life and I wonder when this happened? It is strange.

I'm going to look up some of your reading choices, they may be nice for me too. I just love learning from others and the blogs of friends like you are such nice places to learn from.

I guess we're both learning in life, it never stops does it? : )

xxxooo amelia

P.S. Did you see the huge moon last night?