thanks for the memories

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Here it is Thursday already and I haven't checked in

Wow! This week has gone by quite quickly. Friday my mom went to the Emergency Room and that started the roller coaster going faster than it usually does.
I should have known that something was going to happen since I had a pile of work to finish and ship and a slew of orders along with deadlines looming in my future.  This bench is my package staging area and that is only about half of what needs to be shipped out of here.  

 So, Monday was spent prepping for the rest of the work that had to be done.  My life is often one pile after another. In between bouts of pinning, cutting and sewing there is always Mount Washmore to scale, mom to feed, change, and keep entertained, and meals to get.  Fortunately I have the most wonderful, understanding, and helpful husband that ever was born.  Sunday I made a huge meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and salad for dinner and he, wonderful man that he is, has lived on leftovers in various configurations since.
Still more piles and partially completed items liter my work table and the floor.  Tuesday, unfortunately, I had to take mom out and take care of several administrative duties leftover from Friday's hospital visit and while I was out I decided to pick up a few items that I needed to finish projects with.  Except for mending a little girl's blankie that day was a total wash when it came to sewing, cleaning, laundry, anything. We both got home in time to crash until Doug got home from work.

Yesterday was a breath of wonderful fresh creative air.  I picked up two apron orders and completed all but one of the pending orders on my list.  Shipping will commence on Saturday after the glue dries on the dragon wings and I can pack them up.
Am I complaining? Never. I like the creativity, challenge, and the mess.  The other things that interfere with my drive, mom, laundry, cooking, and keeping this place livable, are there to keep me from being a single-minded recluse.  So, today I fold the three baskets of laundry sitting behind the couch, vacuum the floors, plan a week's worth of meals, and unearth my work area from the piles that have invaded.  The weekend looms ahead where I don't do any paying work and can focus on pure creativity.  I picked up some remnants of velvet and satin the other day, maybe I will come up with a luscious confection for an 18" doll.  The only complaint that I might register is the lack of hours in the day and materials to work with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You inspire me.
May you have hours enough for all the projects.
Prayers for you and yours.