thanks for the memories

Friday, August 18, 2017

I am completely baffled!

This little bit of technology on top of the bird feeder is called a squirrel baffler.  The name intrigued me when I saw it at the store as well as tickling my strange sense of humor.  In my mind I pictured the squirrels of the neighborhood standing around with their little squirrel fingers on their squirrel chins wondering what that thing is, that kept me smiling all the way to the cash register.  (I know what you are thinking; here is another advertising sucker!)

Anyway I brought it home and MK installed it and I spent the afternoon on the porch swing waiting to see the baffled squirrels.  So far not a critter has appeared even mildly perplexed.  They all still come to the bounty of the Kraeger bird feeder as if the thing wasn't there.  That baffles me!  Actually I have to say that the colored ones that I have previously purchased do work and they work well.  We are not an all you can eat buffet for these useless creatures and I resent them driving the birds away to consume pounds and pounds of feed that isn't set out for them.  They can go on WIC or Welfare for all I care.  The reason this one intrigued me was the fact that it is clear.  Something perverse in my nature wanted to see the squirrels fooled by its presence and have them sliding off in frustration.  I really need to get a job or a hobby that is more productive, right.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Seriously -- Laughing Out Loud over here, Ann!!