thanks for the memories

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Celebrating the small things

When I was a kid I remember learning about St. Terese, better known as "The Little Flower."  Her thing was to do little things with great love. As an arrogant and know it all kid I often thought of that as some kind of cop-out.  Consequently I didn't have much use for her, when I was young and an arrogant know it all.  Then I grew up and married this man.
I'm sure that his intention is not to imitate The Little Flower but he succeeds in ways that she could never manage.  This man does everything with all the love that he possesses. How blessed I am to have such a loving example beside me every day.

Then we had children and I am blessed to say they are more like their father than otherwise. What a gift to have two sons who are such friends.  They selflessly serve those around them with smiles and love.  One even blessed us with this beautiful daughter-in-law and grands that I couldn't have dreamed would be in the future.

When I see this little boy everyday is a celebration.  It is true that babies grow on love and kisses and this guy is a fine example of that.  Starting life as a premature little mite he is hale, hearty and keeps the pantry and refrigerator in a constant state of emptiness.

Working together as a family is a celebration.  Some of my best memories revolve around the work that it takes to prepare for winter's cold.  I know if my other three sons read this they will sigh with fond memories of cutting, splitting, and stacking wood on the farm and the friendly competition that always accompanied those tasks. Already the torch is being passed to the next generation and they are learning the contentment of a job well done and time spent with those they love. 

Witnessing the grace, love and diligence with which this young woman overcomes obstacles cannot help be a cause for celebration and prayers of thanksgiving that she is a part of my life. I could not have created a better daughter, friend, and person than God did when he blessed me with MK.

Even the hard and constant work that a farm brings is cause to bring family together and celebrate the changes of season.

These boys learn the joy that their dad brings to all he does while they witness his patience in including them in even the smallest talks.

He may not understand now but this day will live with him forever.

Time spent watching this young man is a special joy for me since he is the one who made me a grandma and teaches me every day what love and joy can be found even in the changes that growing up bring.

Learning, that's what life, love, and family is all about. Even if all you learn is that the application of a child safety lock to a bike makes a cool noise, the freedom to make that discovery is worth celebration.

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