thanks for the memories

Friday, October 11, 2019


This morning while doing my chores I spent most of the time trying to center myself. I do this, it seems, every time I spend a considerable amount of time away from. This week the time was spent in the hospital with my daughter during and after her surgery. When I got home it seemed like a good time to take stock.
May there always be legos behind the furniture. Their presence under the treadle sewing machine is a sure sign that children have been here and I have spent more time loving them and less time cleaning a clean house.

May there always be fluffy dogs snoozing on the couch while keeping watch over my patient.

May the Blessed Mother always keep us wrapped in her mantle and intercede for us with her Son. Our Lady is like the arrow that keeps me pointed in the direction of prayer and salvation.

May there always be little boy sneakers sitting on my windowsill.  Those sneakers are a sure reminder that there are little boys in my world who need sticky snacks and warm hugs.

May there always be chubby pumpkins in October turning me inward and reminding me that even with the death of summer there is always the glory of autumn to lighten the heart.

Most of all my there be little people who have firsts in my world. First haircuts turn little baby faces into boy faces and remind me that there is the promise of the man lurking in his future.

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