thanks for the memories

Monday, October 14, 2019

Getting it done.

I like gadgets, a whole lot! I especially like kitchen gadgets that help me get things done and onto something else quickly.  
Every fall we take the time to make applesauce, a lot of applesauce! It is the cheapest and easiest thing to make.  Nothing gives me more satisfaction than a full pantry when it starts to get cold outside.  Having jars of applesauce filling up the shelves lets me know that there is a ready snack when the kids visit, a healthy alternative to oil when I am baking, and a soothing treat when there are sore throats and tummy aches in the house.  
Last summer I discovered this peeler that goes on my kitchen aid and it has been a life saver. My husband likes his applesauce chunky but that requires a lot of peeling to get it done. Though I have a hand-crank peeler it still took almost as much time and effort as peeling by hand always required.  With the attachment for the mixer I was able to peel a bushel of apples in about an hour on Saturday.  

This year I replaced my hand crank food mill with this wonderful multi-tasker, The Squeezo!  This came with different screens so I can now process berries, grapes, apples, and squash all with the same tool.  Today I sent 1.5 bushels of apples through in less than an hour and came out with about 6 cups of very dry mash. 
Now if there was only a faster way to process all that applesauce in less time that would be great. Actually the canning process is something that I have always liked doing.  Seven quarts at a time in the boiling water bath at 20min. a batch should get me done before hubby gets home from work.

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