What I am hearing...the dogs shifting their positions and sighing in their sleep, Kaycie upstairs rummaging around in her room, and a general feeling of peace in the house.
Outside my window...the sun is shining! I came south for this very thing. No wonder southerners are so peppy. They spend their days overdosing on Vitamin D.
What I am wearing...a grey and black skirt, burgundy top, and my bunny slippers.
What I am thinking...a line from Anne of Green Gables, “Everyday is new with no mistakes in it.” This fact has always given me hope and the determination to make every day better than the one full of mistakes that came before.
What I am learning...a very important lesson. I am learning that while I am sad I do not have to be sad. At first blush that may not make sense to others but it does to me. I can feel and even acknowledge the fact that I miss my husband and our life together but that doesn’t mean I have to be sad.
What I am hoping...that my daughter continues to heal, that the new year brings welcome changes rather than events that I cannot bear. I hope that the world comes to its senses and realizes that fear over a virus is destroying us. The birth of the Child at Christmas supersedes all fear and doubt. I hope that the fear of death will be replaced with the determination to live well so that death becomes only a bridge to the everlasting joy of heaven.
What I am working on...yesterday I started putting colors together again. I’d like to recapture my love for creating beauty.
What I am planning...to fill this day and all the days that are left to me with love, prayer, and a hope to be united with Our Lord and my husband in the everlasting joy that is heaven.
Here are some picture thoughts that I am sharing with you...
The simplicity and love that is a baby has been the sure path to healing for me. Being able to hold this little man who asks only love and a smile from me never fails to bring me back to center.
Not a good picture but there is a little park near here that has a beautiful Christmas display, no charge just a free will donation. Already we have been there twice. The reactions of the kids and the bubble of lightness and wonder that it has brought to me has somehow brought sleep to my nights and optimism to my days.
I am so happy to read your thoughts laid out in this blog. They share answers to my prayers for you and your family. I love you, my dear friend. Soak up some sunbeams for me.
What a sweet and peaceful post, loved your encouraging quotes and what you said about the fear, yes, the greatest contagious virus is fear. Sweet, beautiful little baby, what a Gift.
Merry Christmas Ann, I pray your day is a very, very special one with many glimpses from the Father in most special ways that you know are from Him.
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