Sunday evening MK and I went to a friends and spent the time sitting in front of the fire talking and enjoying a mug of coffee with Kayluah and whipped cream. Whenever Mary gets out the Christmas mugs I always feel not only more festive but also more proper and ladylike.
As I sat there listening to MK play the piano and feeling the warmth of the fire many memories of times spent in that very house doing that very same thing washed over me. Times we have spent with a fire in the kitchen fireplace while we prepare a meal together. Sitting and playing games with a fire going in the basement fireplace and hearing the sounds of laughter and pleasant conversations.
Of all the places that I have been in my life there are only two homes that I have visited that are to me like my own home. Only two other places where I am comfortable kicking off my shoes, grabbing a throw and wrapping up for an evening spent enjoying good company. My dear friends, Dan and Mary, and their home is one of those places. Since my kids have been little they have not only opened their home to this loud and boisterous family, but they have taken us in and made their celebrations part of our own family traditions. I cannot count how many Christmas’s we have laughed, eaten, sung, and generally enjoy each other’s company. One year we even went so far as to take the traditional group pick at the end of their hallway and sent it to them when they weren’t able to come home from Florida.
Since my husband’s passing little moments like these have come and taken up their place in my mind. I will miss this part of my life when MK and I move. However I have a sense of peace and certainty that there are no regrets about leaving. He is on every corner and in every place that we have been but, more importantly he is here in my heart and that I cannot every lose.
Friends like that are very rare...It sounds like bittersweet memories. I'm glad you were there visiting, It must have been a comfort and Gift from above. You felt loved there and that is a blessing.
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