What I am hearing...MK listening to her music, Kim working with Kaycie on her math, and the dogs wrestling in the living room.
Outside my window...it is raining. It beats the snow that was falling earlier today. I have to say that since moving here I find it refreshing that very few days have passed where the weather has kept me from going outside for some portion of the day. Yes the dampness does make my back and hips ache but it usually lasts for only a day then we are back to sunshine and dryness. Yesterday I hiked up to Margarite Falls and the weather was beautiful.
What I am thinking... that tomorrow will be a good day to break in my new hiking shoes. I generally wear minimalist sneakers around but I have found they are no good when the trail has lots of large rocks on it. My arches are still aching from yesterday.
What I am learning...that the strictures of a lifetime are, little by little, falling away. Ordinarily I am not a fan of change but these kinds of changes are gradual and acceptable.
What I am hoping...to spend some time with my younger brother and sister-in-law later this week.
What I am working on...a double wide Dresden plate. Before we moved I bought a book with patterns for this quilt block in it and the ruler to go with it. Dresden plate is one that I have always liked and this method is supposed to be easier, more precise, and faster. So here I am with the sections made to for 10 blocks. After I beat Nate at Mancala I will be sitting down at the machine to put more plates together.
What I am planning...to take each day as it comes.
Here is a picture thought that I am sharing with you...
I saw this barn yesterday on my way to the mountains. I like the worn and world weary look of both the barn and the flag.
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