Outside my window...the sun is just beginning to show some colors over the mountains. My heart is lightened by the fact that, though it is winter here in Tennessee, I can find green grass and sunshine.
What I am hearing...the pat, pat of Diesel’s tail in greeting whenever I look at him. I hear the rustling of the two other dogs upstairs and anticipate the sound of Kaycie rising to put them out to use the facilities. I hear traffic going by on the road and the quiet rumble of the furnace pushing back the chill in the house.
What I am thinking...so many details yet to be taken care of. I still need to transfer my license and registration over to this new state that I live in. I need to make arrangements for MK to see the house that I think we would like to buy and I have to go with her to return the UHaul and pick Fred up where Jason parked him last night.
What I am learning...that I do still have a place in this world. The wandering and uncertainty have been frightening and unsettling. I have always been a purposeful and driven person. Since I lost my anchor and my heart there hasn’t seemed to be a purpose and nothing to drive towards.
What I am hoping...the New York house sells soon please, the house I have found here is the one God wishes for me to spend my future in, and that MK finds peace, purpose, and a job here.
What I am working on...nothing really. I putter and dabble and have yet to really focus on any one project. However I am also finding my creativity and colors again. The world is no longer grey and flat. Life is beginning to have dimension and the colors that have always been inside of me are coming out of the shadows.
What I am planning...still not a thing. God is teaching me to trust, follow his plan, and not worry about what tomorrow has to bring.
Here are some picture thoughts that I am sharing with you...
Being free to go off into these secret places and pour out my heart unreservedly to God is the greatest blessing right now. I was made to be outdoors and there is where I find my center and the direction of my life.
Praying for you, Ann. I know this must be very difficult for you and MK. So happy you have such a beautiful place to pray and talk to God, that is very helpful as well as those babies there to lift spirits.
Love, Amelia
"What I am learning...that I do still have a place in this world."
They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green-- Psalm 92:14
I hope you don't mind me commenting to Sandi here, Ann. I am so thankful that you have come here Sandi! : ) This is a big part of what a Christian blogger is all about. This sure does my heart good to see the interaction. So great...
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