Outside my window...there is a major deception going on. The sun is beautiful and the sky is an amazing shade of blue. However if you step over the threshold the temperature is in the low 40's and there is a wind chill because of the breeze.
I am thinking...about the week to come. This will actually be a busy one for this grandma. I need to get the majority of my errands run and gardening done as the little people will be staying with me from Thursday to Sunday while their parents go to New York. (for those not in the know, that's Upstate New York not the city.)
Over the weekend Uncle concentrated on getting a bunch of work done around the yard. (things I'm too weak to do). This little boy helped a great deal. He loaded river rocks for filling the cement blocks with, shoveled poop to fill the garden beds, spread shredded paper for mulch, and generally made himself indispensable to Uncle. Consequently he ended up on my rug, wrapped in a blanket and fast asleep while everyone else watched a movie.
This little handful generally made himself a cute nuisance and gave us all reason to laugh and smile.
Noah is becoming more and more alert and subsequently awake for longer periods of time.
Sunday, being a day of rest, Nate took the time to pick this lovely bouquet for me. I had to pick out my fanciest dish to float the flowers in.
Later the kids went across the road into the open field to launch Uncle's rocket. If this is how NASA got started it is amazing that a man walked on the moon.
After burning though the aluminum foil and melting the insulation on the wires a couple of cement blocks were called.
And there is the rocket parachuting back down from the heavens. My favorite part of the whole activity was hearing the kids excited squeals when the rocket launched and the running to be first to retrieve the rocket.
Later we took a ride out to see the land that Ryan and Kathleen are buying where we met this handsome boy. The property is beautiful and the view is unequaled. I foresee me spending a lot of time there just walking and thinking. It will be a good place for me to commune with Papa.
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