thanks for the memories

Monday, April 16, 2012

It seemed just the right kind of day

     he woke up this morning with a stuffy nose and slightly feverish.  The weatherman has been talking about temperatures in the eighties and possible severe weather later in the day.  The little guy wasn't exactly cranky but anyone who knew him could tell that he just wasn't himself.  What to do, what to do?  That thought was uppermost in grandma's mind as she went about her morning business. 
       Mama was upstairs in bed with a bad headache and everyone else had orders not to disturb her.  Auntie and big brother were doing their best to get along and to get the house tidied up and ready for the day to commence.  Uncle was taking gramps to work and running a couple of errands.  Grandma had a few errands to run to, but still in her mind were thoughts of what would perk her little man up.

     The idea came when grandma was in the city.  She knew when she saw it that here was the perfect way to make her little guy feel better that day.  She finished up the rest of her sadly disappointing errands thinking only of the smiles she would get when she got home.  Once home she helped clean the little guy up from lunch, took his shirt and pants off him (he wasn't going to be needing those) and took him outside with his surprise.
     Fingerpaints were the perfect way to spend a  hot and humid afternoon when a little boy wasn't feeling himself. 

There is nothing like an afternoon of self-expression to take away the blues brought on by a snotty nose and a feverish head.  Grandma just put one happy, tired boy down for his nap.


Ryan said...

:-D Little Dude! that's cool.

Peggy Wolf said...

And that's one cool grandma! What fun.